There is no shortage of strategies for success in the real estate and property industry.
Most real estate agents know they need to prospect to be successful, most leaders understand they need to have courageous conversations to inspire change within their people and all of us know what we need to do to be fit and healthy, eat less and exercise more.
However, notice how knowing and doing are two different things.
In this interactive and insightful online workshop, multi-award-winning leadership and mindset specialist, Tanja Lee, the Chief Energy Officer of The Alchemic Way will take you under the hood of your Subconscious Mind to reveal:
How we are unconsciously hardwired for struggle and not success
What we believe, determines how we behave and who we become
The 5 handbrakes to your happiness and what’s parking your potential
The number one key to personal alchemy
During this session, our regular Rise Coach will give you direct access to producing a breakthrough in an area of life you are currently stuck or oscillating in and you will walk away with a one-step strategy for immediate implementation for your personal and professional transformation.
Okay. Hey, everybody, Kylie Davis from the Rise Initiative here, and it is absolutely fantastic to have you all on board for our second wellness webinar from the Rise Initiative.
These are free and free webinars that we are doing on the first Wednesday of every month and we have some fantastic coaches locked in for the next couple of months.
Before we kick off a quick welcome to country, I am here on Wangal land. I’m part of the Eora nation of Sydney and the Rise Initiative pays our respect to elders past present and emerging and and extend that welcome to everybody out there around the country.
Now I am truly honored and delighted and excited about today’s webinar with the amazing and fabulous Tanja Lee.
Tanja and I have been friends for a very long time. We started out sitting at a cafe in St Kilda one day talking about the possibility of creating a report about what was really going on in real estate and how were people finding leadership and and what was showing up for people and that created the real state of leadership report that we worked on together.
She has been a trailblazer across the working with the real estate and property management industry to help us understand what is going on inside and how our mindset is impacting what we do.
And how we show up for work. So, Change, I am absolutely excited about our presentation, your presentation today.
We’re so excited that you have decided to be our number 2 wellness webinar. And I’m going to hand over to you to go, and congratulations on relaunt on the launch of the Alchemic Way and very
Thank you, my love.
Thank you, Kylie. Can we just give some jazz hands some love to Kylie Davis?
Yeah, thank you so much for your friendship. Thank you for your own trailblazing in the industry for many, many moons.
And for your conscious contribution to the evolution of us in the industry. I’m so grateful to be here.
Thank you everyone for tuning in. Please, thank you everyone for tuning in. Please, all just straight off the bat. Thank you for your engagement automatically.
You just, you know, you’re here and I’m engaging in the bat thank you for your engagement automatically you just you know you’re here and engaging in the chat room I love it here you just you know you’re here and engaging in the chat room I love it.
I’m engaging in the chat room. I love it. Here you go. I love Kylie Davis says Julie.
I love it. Here you go. I love Kylie Davis says Julie. So there’s a love in the house.
It’s got nothing to do with the mutual surname. So my friend, I, I am, I’m just present to, how awesome it is that we’ve all chosen to come here for an hour of power together.
And I’m going to share my screen now so you’re going to see me shrink to the side of the screen.
Can you guys just please say yes if you can see the screen that says you become what you believe. Just so I know we’re all speaking from the same hymn book.
Excellent. Now, please know. If you’re on here live, you will get access to the recording of this after the session.
And if you are joining watching the recording and you’re not part of the live team but you’re watching it now hello from the future from us here.
Excellent, everyone can see it. You will also get access to a copy of the PDF and links to a couple of videos I’ve got in here.
And Kylie is going to save the transcript of the chat so if you have any questions during the process I may miss them because I have got a lot to go through and I’ve got promises that I’ve declared on social media that I’m here to fulfill on in partnership with Kylie and Rise in MRI.
So I’m just going to say upfront there may be questions I miss because I’m delivering or there may be questions that I feel whilst incredibly valid if I take the time to answer them.
May derail me from fulfilling the intention of today. So do I have your permission friends to circle back and answer questions via a video that will send through the RISE community.
So I want to really make sure I respond to whatever is of interest to you. So just let me know if your call for me to answer questions later.
Awesome. Thank you, William. So. Let’s get stuck straight into it.
I want to begin just by saying thank you as I said to you for choosing to be here. I know there’s many choices you could have today, many places you could be and leaders for those of you that have gathered your team in the boardroom you got pizza and everything going on for some some of you.
Thank you for investing your time, energy and effort and your people to have what I think is a really, really important conversation.
And if you missed the first wellness webinar that Kylie did, it was called Brain Hacks for Real Estate.
Give us a yes if you were a part of that or you signed up. If you missed it, there’s a QR code, grab your phone now, take a little screenshot of that and that’ll take you directly to the video and you can watch it again or you can save it for later.
But thanks, thanks to Kylie for kicking off this initiative on behalf of the RISE team and of course MRI for making it happen.
Now, here’s the thing, if you are on this webinar and if you are currently navigating some funk in the trunk or challenges in your life and you really feel like you could use a raft.
I, you’re in a great space today because I’m here to be of service to you in in really great ways but B, if you’re not aware already there are 2 fantastic initiatives that are completely free.
So there’s no reason to not invest your time in them. We also of course have the real care app which is a wellness and mindset app that helps you navigate the terrain of budgeting effectively because money can be a big stress for people.
And, you know, get tips for practicing greater mindset practices or health and well-being processes.
This is created by real estate professionals. For real estate professionals, you can download that app for free today.
There’s a wealth of knowledge and proud to be a coach as part of the Rise Initiative and of course our friends at Domain who are a great partner of the Rise Initiative, you didn’t know.
Bye too have 3 professional counseling sessions. That are completely confidential that are available for you. And not many people know about this.
So please know that that too is available and will make sure we can send you the link with the follow-up PDF with these free resources.
So they’re 2 ways that you can support yourself and your team to keep rising. So very quickly, who am I if we’ve never met before?
My name is Tanja Lee, I’m the chief energy officer for the Alchemic Way.
We are a personal development and wellness business, 100% devoted to empowering real estate leaders and teams around the world to fulfill their potential in the least amount of time.
We, me, I’m a leadership and mindset specialist NLP practitioner and trainer for those that have never heard of what NLP is.
It’s neuro linguistic programming. Have you heard of what they is? Say yes or no.
Engagement is great, not just because it strikes my She go and I know you’re still here and there’s no insert the sound of crickets but we we want to keep the conversation you know 2 way.
Rather than, as I said, no death by PowerPoint. Excellent. Some are saying no, some are saying yes.
It’s really the study of how does our thoughts and our thinking create our beliefs and how does that influence our language and the words we use and how does that influence the action we take or don’t take?
So I’m a geek about studying the art of human excellence and I’ve devoted over 35 years to it and so that’s a big part of what I do.
And my husband, Matt, who you will meet at the end of this. He’s a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine specializing in acupuncture and he’s also a total body modification practitioner.
And I know that sounds like piercing and tattoos. But it’s actually using, applied kinesiology, chiropractic philosophies, nutrition, and radionics.
So you’ll get to meet him and he’s doing the third wellness webinar. So we’re here for you.
Not only are we here for you, but we’re also here to positively shift the client experience from what is often perceived as transactional to relational.
I started out as a vendor that just wasn’t happy with the service I was getting. Alex is an NLP practitioner too.
Boom shock a luck it to you Alex. I did my training in Wolongoga, Will and Gong as I said before.
So We’re here to also, raise the awareness of that this profession makes a difference and, and we believe that there are better ways to do it and we know we’re preaching to the converted because if you didn’t care you wouldn’t be on this webinar.
So now it’s all about you. What is this conversation for you about? Well, the intention is to really liberate you today.
No kidding, liberate you from your biggest limiting belief in any area of your life and the Sabbath the self sabotaging strategies that generally come with it so you can fulfill your potential in the least amount of time.
So I want to know who’s up for that. Who is just say yes or no and if it’s a note then you can go and enjoy lunch. Somewhere else but that’s what we’re here to do.
We are no kidding, not here to conceptualize, but we are here to do the work today to liberate you from what’s holding you back.
Yes, John says, get a beautiful. I love your leadership. You’re always so willing to do the work.
Amazing. So I honor your courage to be here and actually get this party started. I’m curious my friends consider they can be by the way I’m going to go relatively quickly because I want to get a lot of value to you.
So I hope this is not too fast but I want to really make sure we do everything to fulfill the intention.
So give me a thumbs up if you’re cool with that. Bring it on says Alex and Alex listen is an NLP practitioner my friend feel free to pepper the chat with what ever amplified insights you have along the way, but I want to keep it really simple.
My friend, consider, there are 2 lanes we can typically be in in life. We can be pretty empowered like is cruising and happening and great.
We’re happy and fulfilled and we feel like life’s happening to us. We’re empowered with the creator of our reality.
And then there can be times when we feel thanks William disempowered. Like, happening to us.
And you might be frustrated and disappointed and annoyed and it just doesn’t feel like it’s headed in the right direction and sometimes you can be at somewhere from column A and column B.
I want to know right here, right now at 1 12. On the sixth of March, it’s my oldest daughter’s birthday today, 22, look out, where did that go?
Where are you on these 2 lanes? Are you right now feeling empowered? Or are you feeling disempowered?
Write it in. If you’re finding yourself a little column A and a little column BI want you to write it as a percentage if you will.
Starting with the disempowered section. So if you’re 60% disempowered and 40% empowered put that in here.
A Julie Davis your mom’s first heavenly B-day today. By the way, it’s Kylie Davis’s dad’s third heavenly B-day today.
So they’re having a party in pizza on the other side. Okay, now by the way my friends I invite you to be vulnerable and courageous every time you engage.
You’re getting what’s called an NLP positional awareness. S050-50-5050 disempowered 20% disempowered 80% empowered nice Olivia Swan did I my life good on you good water where you are 25% disempowered 65% empowered better than last week says will in 50 50 thank you Keep it going, everyone that’s on, keep riding it in.
You positional awareness is when you get clarity and I’m right here right now and so your brain can start to sift and sort for the content that will help it become more empowered.
Alex is on fire, 90% empowered. And by the way, this conversation is not just for those that are feeling in a fun can just want to get out of the quicksand, you might be superhero cape flying through the air life is awesome and you want access to crank up the v to your greatness so wherever you are and thank you for your honesty.
I really invite you to play for that out today participate fully for those of you that have got groups in your room please participate with pen and paper or if you don’t have any go and get some.
And we’ll check in with you but still do the work because this is like a live classroom right rather than a one-way conversation.
My intention, thank you, thank you, Brenton. Is that you get access to shift the needle in some way today and that you have the tools and resources to continue that shift.
Excellent. So now I want to go a little deeper with you. Thank you for your honesty.
I’d like you to check out this wheel of life. Who has worked with a will of life before, yes or no?
Type it in the chat room if you will, yes or no. For everybody else that can’t type in the chat room, we’ll just get it telepathically.
Pretty much everyone a couple of nose. It’s a really great tool that helps you get clarity on where you are.
In the wheel of life so we can bring consciousness to the areas we’re not giving much oxygen to because when our wheel is a bit bumpy the journey of life is equally bumpy.
So if you are feeling, most of you have said yes, so that’s great. If you are feeling disempowered, even if it’s like 5%, what I’d love you to do is dive deeper and choose an area of life which is the source of your disempowerment right now.
So is it your health and your relationship with your body? Is it your wealth? And your money or financial freedom?
Is it your family and friends or a particular person or a child or your children? Is it your hobbies passions and interests and the fact that maybe you’ve forgotten what they are or you do you think you don’t have much time to spend in them?
Is it your relationship, your marriage, your sex life, love life, intimacy or maybe you want a relationship and that’s somewhere you feel disempowered right now is it personal growth?
William’s like, he’s my 3. He’s like, hit up, you know, jumped out the gate, good on your willing, love your enthusiasm?
Is it your work, your career, your role, your your you know, career path. Or is it finally your spirituality, faith, contribution, volunteering, whatever it is?
Now for the purpose of today and kind of achieving growth in a bite-sized chunk. I would love you to choose one area.
Please choose one area today that you would really love to have a no kidding breakthrough in. And if it’s work, go deeper into work.
Is it if you’re an agent, is it prospecting, is it negotiating if you’re a leader, is it having performance management conversations or courageous conversations holding my people accountable for their promises for themselves.
If you’re in property manager, manager, is it like you want confidence in navigating aggressive and abusive people that are, you know, calling and dumping their funk on me.
What area of life would you love access to a breakthrough in? Please type it in. Don’t be shy and there’s no right area it’s your area the more you participate the more you engage the more you’re programming your brain to focus on what you’d love and I’m genuinely curious what are the areas of life that really mattered to you.
So we’ve got wealth, wealth, health. Keep it going, I know there’s more of you, relationship, excellent, spirit, beautiful, good choice.
Keep it in, work prospecting, amazing get a Jane, lovely to have you here, work. And, and you know, for the purpose of you, you can get a bit more specific.
Personal growth and career, amazing, Calicia. Awesome. So, Calicia for the if I may offer you for the purpose of this, John, you 2, anyone that’s put 2, please choose one.
Please just choose one. So if you’ve got passions and health, choose one. He’s the thing though, how this works my friends you produce a breakthrough in one area you’ll tend to have a breakthrough in other areas because how you do one thing is how you do everything.
And okay, great. So hopefully everyone’s got their area. Now I want you to consider. That you determine your desktop.
Meaning what you believe. About this area where you’re disempowered. Will influence how you behave.
Which will completely create who you become. And I’ll say that again, what you believe about this area will influence how you behave, which will determine who you become.
And in our industry particularly there is no shortage of strategies. There’s no shortage of training.
There’s no shortage of solutions. Who would agree with me? Yes or no? Like I’ve been in real estate for 9 years now.
And I don’t think I’ve ever seen an industry that has more training, more generosity inviting competitors.
Leaders from other brands to come and sit in another brand and share what they do to have market share.
Do you agree with me? Yes or no? Type it in, don’t get quiet on me.
So my humble offering to you is, yeah, absolutely says Alex and I love that about this industry, but here’s the other thing.
How many times have you attended a training? You’ve opened your workbook, you’ve taken copious amounts of notes, you’ve had the intention to take action, maybe you’ve even written actions, it’s going to set your world on fire and then it gets to the end of the training, you close the workbook, you put it down, the phone rings, you have a beer, you’re doing the debrief
and you just get sucked back into the abyss of life and you’ve never opened that workbook ever again.
Who’s ever done that like me? I have to. Who’s ever done that? Best intentions, but you haven’t actioned it.
Yes, or no. Thank you, Sammy. Yes, says Jane. Yes, a lot Chris, beautiful too many times to count.
We’ve all done it, right? Not only have we done that, who here knows like if those that are agents you know you need to prospect to grow leaders you know you need to have courageous conversations with your people to help them be accountable.
You know property managers, you know you shouldn’t take the weight of your clients worries of the world.
Home to your kids and fur babies. And my friends, you and I know what it takes to be fit and healthy.
We eat less and exercise more. But have you ever noticed? That knowing what to do and doing it are 2 different things.
Yes or no, please type it in. By the way, thank you for your engagement. Gu, 100% says says, says Julie.
Knowing and doing it 2 different things. Here’s my humble opinion. Yes, yes, yes, everybody.
I say this to clients all the time, strategy, there’s no shortage, we even know what strategies to do but notice knowing and doing it 2 different things, strategy on top of a disinfectant belief system is like icing over a poo pie.
I’m gonna say that again, strategy on top of a disintegrated belief system is like Icing over a poo pie.
Now when you hear that, what do you hear? What does that mean to you? Strategy on top of a disempowered belief system is like icing over a poo pie or I shared this with the ray white team about 350 property professionals 2 weeks ago and they said or a sheet cake.
Yeah, what does that mean? Suppression? Okay, great. What else does it mean?
Strategy on top of a disempowered belief system is like Icing over a pupi.
What does that mean to you? Nice emojis. For the purpose of time, here’s what it means.
If you don’t believe at core that you are worthy of the wealth you desire, If you tell yourself you don’t have time to exercise or play with the kids or do your hobbies passions and interests?
If you believe as a leader that what’s more important is to be liked and lead and hold people to account and have those tough conversations.
You’re not going to do the strategy that you know to do. Because yeah, exactly, John, no commitment, no belief.
And so as a NLP practitioner as a peak performance coach, I have a lot of strategies for success, but if I came on here going, here are 10 strategies for you to become what you believe or to become the master of your destiny.
Lot of you will never do the strategies or won’t do it consistently if you have a disempowered belief system.
If the orientation you’re starting from is not an empowered one. Does that make sense? Yes or no?
And I’m going to articulate this more and more, but are you with me still? Okay, Sammy, awesome.
Thank you. So Please, leaders, if you are on this call and I know a handful of you are hitting home, Chantelle, beautiful.
Stop banging on about strategies of prospecting. When your people aren’t doing it if you keep talk telling them to prospect what people tend to do is become one of those lucky fench way cats in the shops or cars that bow their head but take no action.
The reason people aren’t prospering is because they have a belief the prospecting will equal they’re going to be an interruption they’re going to be rejected and they’re going to annoy people.
No one wants that truth, so they’re not going to make the calls as much as that is a strategy for success.
It all starts with knowing and believing in yourself work with Alex. Yes, I could hand the clicker to you my friend, 90% empowered.
Exactly. So Strategies are secondary to an empowered belief. If you’ve got a notebook and pen, please write that down.
So I invite you to consider it’s not a shortage of strategies. There’s plenty of those.
You don’t need me to tell you what they are. I’m here to remind you that what you believe about yourself and the spoke in the wheel that you’ve chosen, well, 100% influence how you behave and it will determine who you become.
Who’s with me? Type in yes or no? Do you actually get what I’m saying?
Yes or no, your belief. In yourself determines how you behave. And it really does result in who you become.
Excellent, awesome. So
I want to share a story, a thousand percent, Julie. I want to share a brief story.
I did share this brief story at Rice. To give it context and I’m also going to share some other stories.
From clients that I coach without revealing their name so you can see how this may relate to you.
But I want to share. This believe behave become peace. How does this actually manifest in real life so it doesn’t sound like some NLP stuff.
For those of you that were at Rise, it heard me speak this. Please, you know, listen like you’ve never heard this before and you’re not listening for Tanja’s story and invite you to listen as if this was yours.
Who else had those baubles? So here’s a brief story about how what we believe determines how we behave.
And who we become. I’m glad there’s a commonality in the bubbles. So when I was 6 years of age, I came home from school.
I’m an only child. I came home from school one day, chucked my bag on the ground and went into the kitchen as you do to get a snack.
Mum and Dad were both home and that was kind of rigs. They worked a lot. I was surprised that they were both home and they were sitting at the kitchen table.
They asked me how my day was and said come and join us. So thank you, Julie. So, so I sat down and started to tell them about my day.
And then they slit a key across the table and I can’t remember which one it were of them it was that said but they said you know it’s a tangent this is for you it’s a key for the house.
Because from now on, when you wake up in the morning, we’re unlikely to be here and when you get home from school, we probably won’t be here as well.
Because we’re going to be working a lot more. Right? And that’s what happened. However, and listen for yourself.
I made it mean as a 6 year old. I’ve done something bad and wrong. I must be bad and wrong.
Clearly, I’m not good enough. And now with my little key at 6, I’m alone for the rest of my life.
Who can see by virtue of a yes or no in the chat room that is six-year-old would make that decision.
You can see that that’s what a six-year-old made decide for themselves because it’s a big thing for a 6 year old, what was for me.
So yes, thank you. It was a wow for me too. So, so notice though, what happened was I was given a key but I made it mean I’m bad and wrong I’ve done something bad and wrong and and I’m I’m not enough because if I was enough they’d be home ready to play with me and have a tea party after when I got home from school.
And so I’m alone for the rest of my life. Now, unbeknownst to me, my friend, at the time.
I then built an emotional armor to survive that reality because that was a scary reality for a six-year-old.
So I didn’t know this at the time, but as a six-year-old to survive that, I decided, well, I better be good.
Okay, I better be good girl. And I became feastly independent so it was like it’s up to me and I became really driven to succeed like I had to excel because I thought maybe then I would, you know, get get enough love or my parents would come back home.
How did this play out? I was I was bullied all through primary school and high school and I’m talking I shared it rise I had Kylie Beckhouse, don’t you always remember their full name?
Who’s a yes? You remember your biggest bullies full, full name. We were sitting in science class, the teacher wasn’t there and she stood behind me, the kids were in class and then I smelled this weird smell and she was actually popping garlic oil capsules to and squeezing the oil in my hair and in my clothes and calling me a wog while all the kids laughed around me because I’m
half Maltese and and I what did I do? I sat there in silence. She got her brother to really run me over on the oval on a motorbike and I ran into a safety house zone in I’d get bullied all through school, have to get the tough kids lunch orders while I stood in I also had an alcoholic parent who on a weekly basis I’m not exaggerating would mentally and
emotionally sometimes physically but not often abuse me. And you guessed it, I sat in silence. I, as I grew older, I stayed in relationships that didn’t serve me and I didn’t make friends with the cool kids or the popular kids and I didn’t want to be the freak on her own.
So I made friends with the tough kids and the bad kids or what some people would say the ones that John West rejected.
And I behaved, remember, believe, beha, I believed I wasn’t good enough, where they all deserving and I’m alone so I behaved in a way that wasn’t true to my nature.
So I Did things I’m not proud of. I broke into the school to steal liquid paper in the 4 pens with the colors and I vandal public property and I stole from milk bars and market.
I don’t want to do that. I was trying to fit in. Can you relate? Can you understand to what I’m saying?
When I grew up, I worked my butt off at 1920 years of age. I was managing back then.
I’m 52 this year. 93 million dollar business and 400 staff and I was doing amazing things.
Growing businesses by 250%. No award. No accolade. Are you still with me is everyone here?
You know, would penetrate my skin or my armor no matter what success I had. I didn’t feel it.
Can you relate to that? Have you ever had that feeling? I said no to opportunities that would have propelled me, including doing a TED Talk.
That will be a different story in the near future, but you get the gist. Yeah, so I behaved in a way that was so counterintuitive to my truth until one day back in 2,005.
I did a transformational course that had me see that what actually happened was I was handed a key to open and close a door.
That’s it. To be fair, the 4 colored pens were pretty cool. I know, right?
That’s what happened. The rest is a story I made up and in that workshop I was sitting in a room of 120 people and I watched a hundred 20 people have an epiphany that they too had a key or a bunch of keys.
And in that moment I decided I’m going to become a coach because I could see the unnecessary suffering between what happens to us in our life and what we decide and what we make it mean.
And here’s what I offered to you my friend sitting here. I know depending on your age and stage in your life and your upbringing or influences, you too have got some keys.
You’ve got some stuff that has happened in your life where you failed at school, whether you’ve made big financial mistakes.
Whether you 2 were bullied or your parents divorced or you were an only child and another child came on board and you decided you weren’t important anymore, whether you’ve had your heart broken, whether you broke someone’s heart.
Whether you’ve been rejected, can anyone relate to any of this slide? Has any shitty stuff happened to you in your life, yes or no?
And if not, where are you from? 100% say Chantelle, right? Got it. Thank you. Thank you.
And thank you to everyone that can’t chat in the chat room. Thank you for sending me thoughts, hopefully.
Okay, got it, right? So here’s the thing that I know. And I want you to write this quote down or feel free to take a screenshot.
Now you’re also going to get a video, a copy of the video in the PDF.
Consider my friend, it is not what happens to you that defines you, it is what you decide as a result.
I’m going to say that again. It is not what happens to you that defines you. It is what you decide as a result.
And let me addate this deeper. When I started this transformational work and and was training as a coach, I got to work with someone, a guy who when he was 4 was sitting at the dining table with his siblings and parents.
Dinner finished, siblings ran off. He went into the kitchen with his parents, they’re scraping the mass mashed potatoes and peas off the plate and he looks up at them, says, you know, can you read me a story and they both go not like with a friend?
I’m not frustrated, right? Not now, Jimmy, we’re busy. Pretty simple happening.
Then we go to the other end of the spectrum where there was a woman who was gang raped by 5 men put in the back of a boot of a car and left on a football field.
Pretty traumatic happening, right? And so you’ve got 4 year old Jimmy and this woman here.
Do you know what I find fascinating and everything in anything in between? Because I’ve been doing this for a long time now.
Would you agree that this is a simple happening and this is traumatic? Yes or no? Type it in.
Is that in comparison? That’s pretty simple. Didn’t get rid of story and that’s pretty life changing, yes or no?
Yeah, yes, yes, excellent. Here’s what I find fascinating, my friends. Both of them made the same decision.
I’m not good enough. How was that so? And by the way, I’ve never met a human being and I’ve had the privilege of going under the hood of the subconscious mind and into the hearts and souls of thousands, thousands over the years.
I’ve never made a human being that doesn’t believe they’re not good enough, whether you’re deserving to some degree, if it’s point 4% or a hundred percent.
Even you, Alex, at 90% in power, there’d be some little slither. If you’re, if you agree or you might disagree and then I need to take a leaf out of your book.
So We all have a story that can tell us that we’re, we’re, you know, not good enough.
Who understands what I’m saying? Yes or no? And who can see that you have that story, yes or no?
Even you, Alex, I’m curious, do you ever feel that? Have you ever felt that?
Most definitely, yes, definitely. And I’m feeling 90% at the moment and other days or weeks balance is different. Beautiful.
I appreciate your honesty, my friend. Do you like I’m for transparency? I’m empowered about 98% of the time and I should be because I do this for a living and my clients pay me great money to help them achieve the same result and I do the work but I’m not immune to it but I can get off it really quickly.
And so this is one of the things I want to share with you. Definitely. I’m okay.
I’ve read that even if you understand it logically, it kind of plays in the background of your heart anyway.
Yes, my love and we’re gonna go into the background so you wish me okay great. So both make the same decision and my friend you become what you believe or is the great Henry Ford says whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right.
We end up creating this armor. So when we believe we’re not good enough, where they deserving, we don’t have time, we don’t have the resources, whatever we tell ourselves.
Our our emotional alarm or our survival, it might keep us safe and comfortable and protect us from the world.
Or others, but here’s what it also protects us from. And this is why I do what I do.
And I love you so much for being here. Thank you. Each and every one of you. Behind that armor of your chest and mind, there is a treasure trove of ideas, inspiration, passion, hopes, dreams, wishes, innovations that do not see the light of day. Who’s with me?
Who knows on this webinar? There’s so much more potential in you that you give any air time to, yes or no?
John. Says I’m normally 95 5, but this past week has been really challenging. So hence 50 50 today.
John, I get it. You vote, yeah, I get it. And you’re real and you’re not afraid to be vulnerable.
Yeah, this is why I wake up in the morning my friends this is why I’m grateful for all of you for being here because this treasure is why I’m alive.
So I can hold up the mirror and remind you of your greatness. You just like me, forgot because something happened in your life.
But we’re not conscious of it, but today we’re bringing awareness to it. Are you following me and is this conversation of value?
Let me know, yes or no. Now we’re going to flip this script to you, yeah?
Excellent. Thank you, Debbie, making heaps of sense. Awesome, awesome, awesome.
One of my greatest mentors, Dr. Jodi Spencer, if you’re familiar, oh yes, says John.
Him and his team of scientists so he’s a best-selling author, neuroscientist and is revolutionizing how meditation is proving to create transformational change, not only for our neurology but our biology and I’m advanced student of his work.
And and bringing a lot of his work to the industry. So if you haven’t heard from him, please go check him out.
Dr. Joe dispenser. Don’t do it now, stay with me, stay with you.
But here’s one of the lessons. My friend, you and I, 90% of what we do and what we think saying do comes from our subconscious mind and get this you and I have 60 to 90,000 thoughts a day.
It’s a lot of thinking. 90% of those thoughts are the same as yesterday, last week, last month he asked last year and decades ago in fact I have I do a one-on-one session called the shift in 90 min you will transform your biggest limiting belief not only from your brain but also the energy entrapment in your body that is making you stuck in a funk, sick or even manifesting disease.
50 years of suffering? Limited belief programming and self sabotaging. Chris Henson says the shift is amazing.
I love you. Chris, thank you. I don’t doubt. Thank you, GAL.
Like you can tell I’m fired up. I’m super passionate about. So what does this mean?
This means you and I have 90,000 thoughts a day. 90% of them are decades old and 85% of them are negative.
We are programming our brain for negativity, not positivity. Don’t take my word for it.
I’m about to show you a video. It’s a little daggy. It has music.
You won’t hear it because the quality is not great. And then I’m going to show you a second video.
This next video is literally showing up close neurological pathways in the brain. Forming from thought alone.
The other thing is if you stop a negative thought pruning occurs which means the neurological pathways disappear.
There’s no electrical current sending a signal to the brain. And my friend, I want you to know today, even if you’ve heard it before, that’s pretending this is the first time you’ve ever heard it.
Your brain doesn’t know the difference between whether you are thinking something or experiencing something. They get athletes to sit down hardwired and imagine they’re running a hundred metre sprint in preparation for the Olympics and the body is firing.
As if it is. Just let that sink in for a minute. So this next video I’m going to show you this is what’s happening in your brain when you think when you see the neurological pathways build, it’s your brain going, yes, I don’t have time.
Yes, my buddy’s big. Yes, I don’t have any money. Yes, I’m not good enough.
And when you stop thinking those things, Isn’t a message so those thoughts can’t fire, which is a good thing, which is why we meditate.
So check this out.
Okay. I don’t have enough money. Your brain goes, okay, I agree. Yeah, think about your area of life, yeah, that you’re struggling in.
Okay, whatever you’re thinking about is forming highways in your brain to believe that’s the truth.
Whatever you’re telling yourself, your program in your brain.
To believe that that’s the truth.
But the good news is when you stop that stinking thinking, the message can’t get through.
Isn’t it crazy? WW.
It is crazy. Now, my friend, this is the highway if you don’t mind. So all of those, of limiting beliefs, your brand goes, okay.
Isn’t that wild? Alpha, I’m building Albrighton. You become.
What do you believe? Okay. Oh, hey, Daniela and tomorrow. Awesome. Brains are amazing.
Yes, go see Kylie’s brain hack session. Now, I just find that fascinating. I’m a geek about that.
Now what I invite you to think about, that is totally mind-blowing viewing Gail. I know, right?
I know and you’re gonna get a link to that video. I want you to share it with your friends.
Share with your kids. Share it with your, you know, partners and those that you work with because, you know, knowledge is the precursor to experience.
If we understand what’s happening in our brain by thought alone, then we can take conscious action for change.
So, I want you to keep the area of life that you are disempowered with. Yeah, choose the one area.
I want you to Consider and we’re going to get to your particular belief that you’ll have a limiting belief that’s going on we’re going to get to that.
Now you’ve seen how every time you think of something and you have 90,000 thoughts a day, 90% of the same regurgitated thoughts as decades ago in 85% my friend is negative stink and thinking unless you’re aware and you’ve changed it or already.
So you’ve seen how your brain is built. Now I invite you to Watch this next video and you’re going to be asked one instruction.
Some of you have seen this before. If you’ve seen it before, don’t do a spoiler for everybody else, participate, get a pen and paper, you’re going to be asked to count something and I just want you to count it.
And then we’ll get through the rest of the video. Ready, set, go.
This is an awareness test.
How many passes does the team in White Mack? Count the passes, the team in Whitney.
What’d you get? Type in answer is 13. Type it in. But did you see the moonwalking bear?
Who saw the moonwalking bear? Now, if you didn’t look for it now and type in yes or type in bear when you see it.
Typing there when you see the
Yeah. Yeah, got it. Now my friends, what is the point of that video? What is the message?
And I get it by virtue of numbers, there may be a number of you that like what bear I didn’t see it.
Don’t worry I’ll send you the video. Perception exactly LL, how did I miss that?
Says Kalia. You will always see what you’re looking for. You will always see what you’re looking for, right?
And, and when we’re focused on esting and thinking, we have to be right about what a 12 then no bear Brenton don’t worry I’ll send you the video my friend By the way, you guys are doing great. The message is perception.
You’ll always see what you’re looking for. So please go back to the your area of life that you want to break through in because I intend you get one today like no kidding.
So what I want you to do is choose your area again and for those of you that have to just choose the one that would mean more to you.
Right now if you had access to a breakthrough. Choose that one. And now what I want you to do is get your pen and paper and if those that are willing to go for it, type it in the chat box.
I want to know what do you believe? What is the belief you’re telling yourself without judgment, right?
No judgment from yourself, but why do you believe you don’t have the health you have now. I’ll put some stuff on in the fitting room of life.
Do you tell yourself I don’t have time? You tell yourself I don’t have the right gene membership.
Do you tell yourself I’m too busy? Beautiful. I mean, not beautiful, but thank you for your honesty, not worthy.
That’s a big belief. You cannot transform what you cannot see. So taking a look and writing it down creates a disassociated relationship with it so you can start to do something about it my friend.
So what else type it in? What do you believe? Yes, a self-doubt? Is the is the behavior you’re doubting yourself that’s a behavior but what’s the belief thank you Jane thank you Gail the courage it takes to own that you’re telling yourself You’re not good enough, you’re not worthy.
By the way, courage is the catalyst for change. If anyone’s familiar with Dr. David R.
Hawkins book Power versus Force, he maps out the levels of consciousness. You’ve got all the lower emotions and all the higher emotions.
The bridge is courage. Takes courage to show up, takes courage to be vulnerable, takes courage to do what I’m doing, right?
Like riffing online, public speaking. Takes courage. I mean experience. M Misha Mika.
Is it Misha? Guilt for going to the gym instead of spending time at home, Alex. Thank you, right?
So you get, and for those of you that are in a boardroom and your fingers on on the screen, I hope please write down your belief.
And when this finishes in 14 min and 4 s If you’ve got time to have a discussion, please have a discussion.
But I really want you to get clear about your belief. What is your belief?
Now, Alex is saying he feels guilt because he’s going to the gym instead of being at home.
But obviously his health and fitness is important to him so he can be in peak state to then be a great person at home or at work.
So write down what’s your belief. Now, if your belief is you’re not good enough or not worthy or you can or can’t do it.
So we’re not writing a new belief yet. We’re writing our old belief. How do you then behave?
So I said before, so write down, how do you behave? If you don’t feel you’re good enough, worthy or deserving, if you don’t believe you’ve got enough money or time or energy or resources, how do you behave?
Thank you, shut down. How else do you behave? Write it in. With no confidence.
Yeah, so you doubt yourself. I had a coaching session with a client just before here. And this particular client or actually at a coaching session with a client yesterday and another client today they want to go for properties that are higher value than they’re currently selling.
So maybe the 2 2.5 3 million dollar mark. An incredible agent. They’re the kind of agent that I want more in the industry because their wholehearted great ethics, they work beautifully.
However, they have a belief that they’re not going to get it anyway. So, so they’re belief is I’m not going to get it anyway, but they show up.
And how they behave, what this particular agent got to illuminate for themselves yesterday, amazing brave heart was, how I behave is I’m not present, I go through the motions, I try to sell myself and pitch myself so I’m not really with the client and I got I go through the motions as I said before.
And then they become someone that has a desire to really hit that 2.5 3 million dollar market, but they’re sabotaging themselves. Can you see that?
Can you see that that agent would be doing that? By the way, leaders in the room with your doing one on ones with your people.
Please when they’re sharing with you in their one on ones what they’re up to I need you to listen or invite you to listen from either 2 lanes, results or reasons.
They either have the result. They were meant to call a hundred people that week and they did tick or they have a reason why they don’t have the result.
And the my friend the reason is typically a resource. I didn’t have the time. I didn’t have the energy.
I didn’t have the leads. I didn’t have the right CRM system. Leaders in the room, whether you’re live or watching the recording, this matters.
If you don’t address the reason and the resource you are then positioning your team members to give the power to time, give the power to the missing leads, give the power to energy, give the power to something else.
As leaders, we have to encourage our people to become more resourceful with the resource. So you would say something like, well, if you were more resourceful with the time you had, what action could you take?
But leaders, listen, reasons or results. Results are resource base. Does that make sense? Leaders in the room, does that make sense? Procrastinate.
Thank you, Jane. So we behave, we procrastinate and avoid. Okay, we don’t go for things.
Then you become someone who is unhappy, unfulfilled with that treasure trove hidden behind the armor.
So let me ask you. This area of life that you want to break through in when you sabotage yourself when you listen to that stink and think and when you don’t do the strategies you know you could do to really create a breakthrough?
What are the impacts to your physical health? Type it in. What are the impacts to you if you’re willing to keep this vulnerability train?
Rolling. How does this impact your sleep? Your eating, your drinking. Substance abuse.
How does it impact you? You feel awake? Yeah. What else?
Anxiety? Yes, absolutely. Who knows they feel tense and tight and stressed? Who knows they’re not getting quality sleep, clenched jaw, jaw problems, yes, Libya, I know we’ve spoken about that.
I, I, I sometimes do that too. Stress, yes, so stress. So when we’re stressed, we’re in survival mode.
We’re self-centric. It we are live source our capacity to tune in to innovation and intuitive genius shrinks and then we go knock on people’s doors and try to get business and we’re in ourself as a whole other session.
Stressed exhaust. Excellent. So not excellent that you’re trusting exhausted, but excellent you’re clear.
How does it affect us emotionally, my friend? How do you feel emotionally? When you’re thinking all that stink and thinking and you’re procrastinating and avoiding doing what you know you need to do.
When you’re telling yourself you’re not good enough where they’re deserving and you’re at the gym working out but feeling guilty because you’re not at home.
Good pie, says Julie. How do you feel? And you disappointed, angry, frustrated? Stuck? Yeah, stuck.
And most people are stuck like they’re like a building that’s fixed. They’re not getting anywhere.
Sorry, not most people, a lot of people, most people are in the secondary orientation which is busy being busy, you’re on a rocking chair.
This is the illusion. We’re busy. There’s a lot of movement. But if you fly above like an eagle and look you can see that’s moving back and forward but it’s not moving anywhere.
It’s just on the spot who can relate, who feels like that. This work is designed to get you unstuck out of the rocking chair and into the wheel where the wheel can maneuver.
Now, the wheel knows there’s going to be potholes. There’s going to be speed humps.
There’s going to be details. It’s going to be traffic germs, may be bit of road rage in life, but it has the liberty to maneuver through those challenges.
Do you get me? Now, how does it affect you mentally? For the purpose of time, but you guys are doing amazingly.
Did any of you ever feel like you lack concentration, you lack decision making ability, you doubt yourself, you second guess yourself, you make one decision and then you change your mind so you’re in analysis paralysis.
Yes, Debbie, we lose focus. And then spiritually there are impacts and ultimately those impacts are you’re unfulfilled, unhappy.
And not fulfilling your potential and not really moving forward and gaining momentum. And according to the work of Tony Robbins, I’m sure you all know who he is and whether you like his energy or not, he’s really literally changed millions of people’s lives in the work of personal development and the research that him and his team have done, we know my friends and write this down, leaders especially because you create the environment
for your people.
The key to happiness is progress. The key to happiness is progress. And we can’t progress if we are listening to that stink and thinking and then avoiding taking action and staying stuck.
Or oscillating. We’re not progressing. Ultimately, the biggest impact is we’re unhappy.
And we’re not the best version of ourselves and we have that treasure trove just buried deep within.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to die. And on my tombstone, I’ll be cremated anyway, but on my tombstone says, died with potential intact.
I’m dying sweaty and scarred and bruised and mad and giving this bloody thing called life a red hot crack.
Who’s with me? Yes or no? Who’s with me? So if you’re with me and you want to progress, yeah, you give me a hell yeah and not we’re not artificial like yeah well yeah I’m talking listen it’s up to us No one’s coming.
Who says Kylie? Awesome. Now, let me ask you, my friend, pretty significant impacts would you agree?
The impacts of this way of being and living and leading are big, yes? What are the benefits? Are there any benefits to living this way?
Yes or no? Type it in. Are there any benefits to sabotaging ourselves? Are there any benefits to the stink and thinking.
Yesterday, Debbie’s like, not at all. There’s no benefits. No, no, no, no, no. No benefits.
What? Feels like you’re eager, but then you get to be right. Olivia, you’ve done some work with me.
You have. Your bang on sister okay are you guys ready for a breakthrough cause you’re all saying no Hi, to something.
This distinction I’m about to teach you is the 5 hand breaks to your happiness. You will say there’s no benefits to behaving this way but there are 5.
When I learned this back in 2,005 I made the decision to be a coach because I knew I was suffering and I could see hundreds of other people were too and it was unnecessary.
Remember it is not what happens to you that defines you my friend it is what you and I decide as a result and we’ve just forgotten.
Who we are. So get your pen and paper ready because I’m about to unpack with you the 5 hand breaks to your happiness.
These are how you sabotage yourself and you don’t even know you do it or you may know you do it but you’ve been missing a piece.
You will do all 5, but there will be one handbreak that will just be the governor. Right?
My intention today is you become aware because as I’ve said you cannot transform what you cannot see become aware of the handbrake and you’re going to release them today if you’re willing.
Right? So here we go. You’re gonna get a copy of this too, okay? Number one, you get to justify your beliefs.
As Olivia said, you get to be right about you don’t have time, you don’t have the money, you don’t have the boss, you don’t have the right brand, you don’t have the right card, you don’t have the right parenting the experience, the booty, the bank account.
Education awesome how’s that working for you that you get to justify your limiting beliefs yeah number 2 you get to point the finger you get to blame something else someone else in the past why you are not responsible for doing what you know you could do to really create the greatest life for yourself or lose that weight or stop drinking so much.
Or prospect or lead or spend time with your kids or go and play golf or do what you love. Yeah, we we point the finger the issue is when we point the finger at others there’s 3 pointing back called me myself and I Ouch, I know.
Number 3. We get to stay in our comfort zone. We get to avoid risks. Because we don’t want to be judged.
We don’t want to fail. Number 4, we get to be powerless. We get to act like we don’t have the power which catapults us into a victim mentality.
And we get to stay there and finally because we all don’t believe we’re good enough we unconsciously in some cases seek attention by creating a lot of drama and swell.
If you got someone in your life you know that has a lot of drama and swirl going on.
It is their way of getting attention. It’s not healthy attention, but it’s like a child having a tantrum.
And my friends in my humble opinion as a peak performance coach myself included we are often wounded children in adult skin bags waiting for mom and dad to give us the love and nurturing or the acknowledgement and praise we didn’t get.
Then we grow up to be 55. 65 still waiting. No one’s coming. Other than us thanks to Rise Initiative and MRI.
To have this kind of conversation but no one’s coming your dreams that are behind that armor that’s you waiting for you So I want to hear from you which one is your governor?
Which one is the master hambreak? Type it in, write it down. Which one can you see is the one that’s blocking your potential, having you stuck?
Right it down. By the way, there’s not one that’s more important or worse than the other, but you cannot transform what you cannot see.
You need to get clarity in what is going on. And when I say are there any benefits, let me reframe this.
The The benefits are to your ego. The benefits are to the wounded child that’s scared to be seen.
The benefits are a currency. So your dreams lay dormant because what’s more important to your ego is one of these.
Avoid failure comfortable, comfortable, stay in comfort zone, bounce between comfort zone. Yes, thank you for for those that had the ability to share for those that you are doing the work in the boardroom with your team meeting pizza and you haven’t shared on the chat room.
Thank you, Live. Lovely to see you again. So you have to know that they’re the hand breaks to your potential.
Now who are responsible for those beliefs you’re telling yourself. Who’s responsible? Type it in.
Who’s responsible? Me, me, me, great. Who would be willing in this webinar? No kidding.
This is where rubber hits the road and you get a breakthrough. Consider responsibility is the ability to respond.
If you don’t take responsibility for the handbrake, it’s gonna run your life and your hat your potential will be idle in for the rest of your life.
Taking responsibility, my friend doesn’t mean who’s to blame and who’s at fault.
That’s more of the same. It’s a you willing to take responsibility? Who’s willing?
So you’re willing, you’re saying it’s you, but who’s willing to take responsibility?
Yes or no? You are amazing. So be the author, not the story. What I want you to do is is your homework, my friend, and I’m gonna send you this as homework.
Your job is to create a new belief. If you didn’t believe you weren’t worthy and deserving and you were the creator of your reality because you are you’re the author of a new story now and you’re now responsible.
You need to create a new belief that will govern a new behavior so you become who you really are. And in case you forgot, let me remind you.
By the way, I’ll talk about that. And that’s me saying, you’re amazing, you just forgot, but I want to remind, I think I’ve missed a slide.
I want to remind you, no it’s here, it’s coming. Who you really are is a miracle on earth.
Floating on a rock in space.
I’m gonna say that again, you are a miracle on earth. Floating on a rock in space.
Whatever has happened to you does not define you. What defines you is you and you didn’t come this far to come this far.
So you’re going to give up those beliefs, be responsible for your handbreak and your homework from you become what you believe is to create a new belief, who be willing to do that.
I just wanna let you know. It’s time. Me and thank you so much. You are welcome, hands up.
If you need to go, please go. I’m gonna hand you to Kylie. I hope that was useful.
Type in your number one takeout. You are so, so welcome. Your homework is too. Decide who you become.
You’ve got a phone that’s our Instagram you’ll get our details so you can follow up with us.
Take a shot and if you’ve, if you’re like, how do I create this new belief now?
Well you just write a new one but if you need a hand DM me on Instagram the alchemic way believe behave become Next session, Dr.
Matt, if you’re around, stick your head in April the third.
Is where Dr. Matt’s coming in to share his 3 healthy habits quick hello because we’re at time.
Hi guys, I look forward to seeing you soon. That’s the link if you wanna tune in, but please remember.
You’re a miracle on earth floating on a rock in space. You just forgot. Let this be a reminder.
Now go create a compelling belief from the future without evidence, without certainty, without assurance, that even a word, because you become what you believe.
I hope that was valuable. And of service. Kylie, I will hand back to you my love.
Thank you so much, James. That was absolutely awesome. Very big collapse. Mr. Hollins walked in halfway through, so he also really enjoyed that.
Oh yeah.
Thank you. I think that those 5 hand breaks, like there’s always something there’s always one out of the 5 that’s probably going on right and just being conscious of them and calling ourselves out on that bullshit.
Thank you everybody so much for showing up today. It’s been awesome to have you here.
A reminder that our next wellness webinar with Dr. Matt talking about the 3 healthy habits is going to be on first Wednesday of the month and then we will be announcing our next round of talks for the rest of the year.
It’s been awesome to have you here. We will be sending out the the recording and the transcripts and the notes and they will also be up on the rise website very soon.
Can I just say one thing before I let you close? And I know we’re at time and if you have to go and I know we’re at timing if you have to go go but here’s the thing my friends the team at Rise and MRI, Kylie and myself John everyone.
We are turning ourselves inside out in service of the industry in the community, but we need a hand. So if you got value out of today, please pay it forward.
Share Kylie’s webinar, share my webinar. Share Matt’s webinar and share the real care app.
Because we need a community to elevate each other and so we really if there’s one thing we can ask of you it would be share if you got value out of today.
For those of you Yeah, thanks, thanks. And look, the goal of rise is to help all of us put language and to educate the real estate industry around our managing our mental wellness.
Better and making the link between what’s going on in our head with what’s going on in our lives and our career so that we can show up and be our best selves both for our teams for work and for our families.
And one of the big most powerful things is putting language around that so that we can talk about it with any shame or guilt and and just have really one-to-one conversations that that are very heart led.
So look guys, we’re gonna wrap up now. Thank you so much everybody for, for some fantastic engagement today.
It’s been wonderful to have you all here. Signing off from, from Rise.
I love you guys.