This statement was jointly crafted by the 92 real estate leaders present at the first Rise Leadership Retreat.
It encapsulates our vision to make real estate an human-centred industry that is led with both head and heart.
We, leaders, gathered in Melbourne on the 26th of May in the year two thousand and twenty-two, make this statement to support and value the people of the real estate industry…
We are members of the communities we serve. We believe the aspirations and goals of those communities are realised through property and grounded in the shared need for home and shelter. We are guides, navigating people through their property journeys, and holding their trust.
To improve the experience of our customers; to attract and sustain good people; and elevate the profession to a place of respect for the benefit of our communities, we seek change. We must elevate our behaviour: what it is that we value, reward and accept from our leaders, co-workers, teams and colleagues.
In doing so, the individuals in our profession can thrive and we will attract more great people to our organisations, which will be environments of safety, respect, equity, inclusion, as well as productivity and abundance.
Work that we are passionate about and that we can be proud of is a matter of human dignity. Our customers and communities will benefit when our industry rises and we feel fulfilled.
We commit to invest in this vision. We will start authentic and courageous conversations that will create change and we will implement a program of listening, learning, and action.
We are the ambassadors for change. We commit to demonstrate the behaviours that we seek to encode in our industry.