How the Rise Initiative in Australia helps Real Estate Agents
We deliver training, language and frameworks to help you lean-in to this important life skill. Here’s how:
Download the new Real Care app
The new Real Care app has been redesigned to act as a wellness and performance coach in your pocket.
It’s not just for a crisis. Real Care has tools to help you deal with stress, anxiety and big emotions (including anger after losing a listing), build your resilience and improve your performance. It will help you set goals, deal with stress, meditate and reflect, set budgets and even sleep better.
Attend our free training sessions
Our Wellness Webinars offer free training from Australia's best real estate coaches on the first Wednesday of every month. Grab your lunch, reserve your spot and get ready to learn from some of the best in the business on topics including boosting your mindset, understanding the psychology of buying and selling, reflecting on success, the value of meditation and how to diffuse difficult situations with a minimum of stress.
Learn how to have mental wellness conversations
We get it. Asking someone if they are okay can be scary. What if they say “No, they are not okay.”? What on earth do you do then?!
The research shows that being brave and being prepared to just listen when a mate, colleague or family member says they need help is one of the most powerful things you can do. You don’t need to fix them. You just need to be there.
At the Rise Initiatives, we have playbooks and guides to handling these conversations and regularly run training on mental health first aid. The Real Care app also has a guide to managing the mental health system.
And honestly, we really hope you never need these tools. But isn’t it good to know it’s there for you and available just in case.
Become a Rise Influencer
If you’ve had your own journey with mental health, experienced life challenging moments connected to your real estate career or have a heart-felt philosophy around performance, we’d love to hear from you.
We’re always looking for inspirational stories to share with our audiences that normalise bolder conversations. Rise Influencers are provided with a free training session to teach you how to present Rise material, provided with unique assets and receive benefits at our leadership events.
Help in a crisis
The noise in our own heads can get pretty loud. Sometimes it can be hugely helpful to have someone independent to talk to who is not a friend, spouse or partner. This is where the Rise Initiative in Australia and the Real Care app comes into play.
The Real Care app includes access to three free and completely confidential phone counselling sessions.
We want to stress that you don’t need to wait for a crisis to use this service. You can use it proactively or even to discuss the best way to support a friend or family member.
The free counselling service is provided through Domain and the Advantage EAP (Employee Assistance Program) service. But rest assured, your conversation is completely private and confidential.
Ever heard these statements while working in real estate?
“Take a cup of concrete and harden up.”
“Stop being a snowflake.”
“Fake it til you make it.”
“The only way to be successful is to hustle and grind.”
Real estate has traditionally been a tough industry and not for the faint-hearted.
But let’s look at the impact of that.

All agents experience anxiety relating to workload
Struggle with mental health & switch off
Experience symptoms of burnout
Deal with aggression & abuse
13 people per 100,000
average annual suicide rate for real estate employees
At the Rise Initiative, in Australia and globally we believe that rather than trying to succeed DESPITE how you feel, building your self awareness, emotional IQ and understanding of your mental health can actually be a superpower for success.
Every real estate agent can benefit from the Rise Initiative through our tools to bolster your performance and build your resilience and sense of wellbeing.
The Rise Initiative is here for you even if your current employer isn’t convinced about the value of mental health conversations, or you’re a little unsure about discussing these issues at work.
We can even help if you're unsure how to manage them at all!
The Rise Initiative supports individual real estate agents and team workers to better understand mental health by giving you the tools to manage both your work performance and your personal life.